DIKW 2024 - Final Paper Instruction
The conference will be held in 13-15 December, 2024
Formatting Your Paper

Your final camera-ready paper MUST be formatted using the templates provided below. It is highly recommended that you proofread and check the layout of your paper BEFORE using PDF eXpress™ or submitting the final PDF version of your paper.

Formatting Instructions:

8x5 x 11 2-column Word Template

8x5 x 11 2-column LaTeX Template [Be sure to use the template's conference mode.]

LaTeX Instructions

LaTeX Bibliography Files

Regular Full Papers: 8 pages with 4 extra pages allowed (USD 50/RMB 370) per page.

Full Papers: 6 pages with 2 extra pages allowed (USD 50/RMB 370) per page.

The final camera-ready paper should be submitted to IEEE CPS via the following link by 15 November, 2024, rather than EDAS.

The final manuscript submission link is:

https://ieeecps.org:/cps#!/auth/login?ak=1&pid=28e0Fr0ULFgBtoQFxmqtv (here!)

Authors need to create or sign up an account to upload the final ready paper.


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